
ekey seinakinnituskomplekt

Последнее обновление: 28.11.2024

Комплект настенного крепления ekey для сканера отпечатков пальцев Integra

Код производителя: 101302

Доступность: спросите о наличии

123.65 €


Описание продукта

The ekey wall mounting set for the ekey finger scanner integra includes a flush mount back box made of steel and a front plate made of stainless steel, which enable wall mounting of the ekey finger scanner integra in a cavity. The ekey wall mounting set for the ekey finger scanner integra is intended for use in both domestic and business applications. This ekey wall mounting set is designed for fixed mounting in a cavity and for use in unprotected outdoor areas. The ekey wall mounting set for the ekey finger scanner integra is an optional component that can only be used in conjunction with the ekey finger scanner integra.

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